Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Stuff bugging me lately...

1) Those commercials for chewing gum where women are tempted by cookies, but then they pop a piece of gum in their mouth and are satisfied. Yeah, right. I would be MUCH HAPPIER with a piece of gum than a cookie.

2) Going to the recycling place and finding that someone dumped obviously unrecycleable stuff there (like tv sets, electronic stuff, etc.). People are idiots. They just don't care.

3) The worst drivers EVER are out during the day. Everytime I go out during the day, I arrive back home amazed that I made it back alive.


Anonymous said...


Add to that the jewelry store ad where the woman is texting her friend from her dinner with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend should DUMP HER. How rude!

Pam said...

LOL! I was just talking the other day that if I were that guy, I would DUMP her!