Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I hate being called a Liberal.

I think the word "Liberal", as used to define someone's political views, is now a derogatory term that the republicans use.  We are supposed to be "bleeding heart" liberals who want to give out our money to those who they deem undeserving and have peace and love etc. etc.  And I don't know what else they believe but it is all negative and supposedly going to destroy our country.

What I am is a person who cares about others.  I am someone who realizes that the very people screaming about illegal aliens, are also descended from those who took the land away from Native Americans.  TOOK AWAY.  STOLE!!!  No immigrant in this country now is trying to do that.  What is worse?

I know that not all unemployed people are unwilling to work and just want to live off the government.

I know that NO ONE is PRO-abortion.  People are PRO-choice.  I know that it is no one else's business what I do with my own body.  Let me repeat:  NO ONE is pro-abortion.  Do the repubs think that abortions are fun?  I recently had a D&C to get a biopsy of the inside of my uterus.  It was not fun.  It is not fun being "scraped".  I can't imagine anyone WANTS to have an abortion.  But if I am raped, or find out my unborn baby is going to have multiple birth defects and will have a very hard and painful life, it is MY CHOICE what to do, not the government.

I know that there are others who live in this country who practice different religions.  I know that there are others of different races, colors, and creeds.  Isn't this what America is about?  Being free to practice whatever you believe in without fear of persecution?

I know that it is not a terrible thing to be educated.  Those screaming that President Obama is an "elitist" are just afraid of his intelligence.  What is so wrong with being smart?  Maybe if we made sure that all had access to good teachers and education, there wouldn't be so many people struggling to make ends meet. 

I know that life is complicated.  I know that if we all just treated others like we would like to be treated, that our earth would be a better place.

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12