It is hard to write this through my tears - but I thought I really need to post this: I was reading this new posting at this website
Angel Animals about signs your animals give you when they're ready to go. I can't stop crying, because this is exactly what Ladybug did for me, only I didn't realize it until now!
Two days before she died, I was sitting with her - she had taken up residence in my dog's kennel and would just stay there and sleep. I started crying and I asked her aloud "tell me what to do! tell me what I should do!". She looked at me, and a few minutes later got up and sat next to me. Then, later that evening (to my surprise), she came upstairs and actually jumped on the bed with me and laid on my lap. She hadn't done that in a long time. Then, after awhile, she got off my lap and laid on the bed next to Treif, and she started rolling around on her back, rubbing her face on the blanket - like she was comfortable and happy. I remember looking at her numbly, wondering if I should take a picture, and also wondering why she looked so happy.
The next day she was worse, and the next even worse, and that is when I decided to take her to the vet for her last time.
I just thought all that was an oddity at the time, but after reading the angelanimals post, I realize she was telling me she would be ok and she knew what was coming.
Read the story of the week on this posting:
here. It is almost exactly what Ladybug did.